One instance of this is the Torquemaster gearcase. Most new 20ft Bullets are rigged with the blazingly fast Sportmaster case....simply because that is the fastest way to go. But, Clint knew his boat would be primarily a fishing platform and would be loaded heavy to reflect his tackle collecting tendencies. So, he chose the TM gearcase because of its load carrying abilities.
The Lowrance X-27 up front, linked to the 520 in the rear gave Clint the versatility he expected and allowed him to have the bigger screen up front for all that drop shotting he craves to do!
The lowered seats are a must for anyone ordering a new 20ft Bullet. The benefits of the lowered seats include security, safety, comfort, and coolness. So, Clint felt that was the only way for him to go!
A full complement of bling by Mark Peiser, and a tricked out rigging job by John Webb and Clint finish the package.
Clint chose John as his go to salesman for several reasons....attention to detail, knowing what Clint wanted, and a never say quit approach to doing it right made John his only choice. In the end...the Black Pearl is a stunningly clean rig...and whether Clint is at Arnold AFB fighting fire, or in Iraq serving his country as a Air National Guard Firefighter...he has his wonderful wife Meredith and a beautiful black Bullet to come home too! Congratulations Clint on this superfine ride!
Getting to know the new toys!
1/2 Ownership!
Final Options list!!!
2008 20XRD
225 Pro XS
27” Trophy Prop
12” Rapid Jack
Optima batteries in Marine Works Mounts
2 bank Pro Mariner
Lowered Seats
5” windshield, backsplash, bow panel cover
Smartcraft Dash
Lowrance X27 on bow
Lowrance 522c at helm
Both graphs networked
All transducers glassed in
Billet Boat Products Rod Rack
Billet Boat Products Floor Plate
BBP Tool Rack
BBP Jackplate Sliders
Single axle Botemate “Loaded”
“Remove Before Flight” tags from a F-16 Fighting Falcon rolling out on a combat mission
KC Daylighter headlight
Poly-planer MP3 Kit
Moonlite blacklights
Everything is either polished aluminum, stainless steel, or powdercoated. The only bare metal is the spokes in the steering wheel.
Retractable rod strap
Chrome gauge bezels
82# Digital Motorguide
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